The richness of computational engineering at MIT: Observations on advocacy and stewardship

The richness of computational engineering at MIT: Observations on advocacy and stewardship

October 25, 2018, 12:00 PM*


Sidney Yip
Professor Emeritus
Nuclear Science and Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


In an informal op-ed style we express personal views on the evolution of Computational Modeling and Simulation across the Institute, and the continually rising potential of Computational Engineering as an intellectual focus for research and communication among all the MIT departments. We then describe recent studies in molecular simulations which illustrate the fundamental and practical interest in Computational Engineering in Materials. Two related problems will be discussed at a general-audience level, understanding the glass transition phenomenon and deformation and flow in glasses. Both are longstanding issues in the community of condensed matter theory and statistical physics and could be regarded as worthy challenges of Computational Engineering.

*Lunch provided at 11:45

Speaker: Sidney Yip
MIT Distinguished Seminar Series in Computational Science and Engineering